
Novice Finals

  • THBT inmates should be released from jail solely on the basis of their rehabilitation and not upon the completion of a predetermined sentence.
  • ESL Finals

  • THW implement upper age limits for public offices (e.g. for members of parliament, ministers, congresspeople).
  • Grand Final

  • THR the decline of US dominance over the world order
  • Semifinals

  • TH supports conscription in wartime
  • Round 4

  • TH, as the feminist movement, would actively discourage women from becoming housewives
  • Round 3

  • THBT team-based sporting associations (e.g. FA, FIFA, NBA, FIBA, NFL, etc.) should abolish individual awards at all levels (e.g. MVP, Ballon d'Or, Player of the Year, etc.)
  • Round 2

  • THBT environmental movements should advocate for incentive-based policies rather than punishment-based policies to tackle climate change
  • Round 1

  • THBT the holistic education model is better than systems of student choice in secondary school